Moscow time: 06:00 03-10-2024 Thursday

Danilovskiy Monastery

Danilovskiy Monastery

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Cathedral Square

Assumption Cathedral
In 1326-1327 Metropolitan Peter, who transferred his residence from Vladimir to Moscow and the Grand Prince Ivan the Moneybag (Ivan Kalita) founded the first Assumption Cathedral to be mentioned in the chronicles. The actual Assumption Cathedral is one of the ancient one in Moscow.
It was erected in 1475-1479 by Aristatele Fioravanti, an experienced Italian architect and engineer, on the Grand Prince Ivan's decree. The Grand Prince Ivan III indicated the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir to be taken as a model..

The Assumption Cathedral

The Assumption Cathedral became the main cathedral church in the Russian state. It was used as a place for storing important state documents, coronation of the emperors, marrage ceremonies of national importance. It became the burial church of the metropolitans and patriarchs. The significance of the Cathedral was emphasized by its decoration. It was rich painted. The cathedral iconostasis was painted by one of the outstanding master of Old Russian art Dionysius. Fresco fragments of the end of the 15-th century and frescoes of the 17-th century are kept at the altar.

Annunciation Cathedral
The small Annunciation Cathedral stands near the Assumption Cathedral. It was the private church of the Moscow princes and later tsars. The Cathedral was built in the 15-th century by the master from Pskov. Its frescoes and icons were painted by medieval Russia's great artist Adrei Rublev and Theophanes the Greek.

Archangel Cathedral
Almost five hundred years the Archangel Cathedral, the burial-vault of the princes and tsars, stands at the Cathedral Square. Its construction began during the reign of Ivan III and was completed in that of his son, Grand Prince Basil III. The Archangel Cathedral was built on the spot where, legend has it, the wooden Church of the Archangel Michael stood. In 1333 this church was replacedby a white-stone cathedral of the same name.

The Archangel Cathedral

The Archangel Cathedral was designed by the Italian architect Alevisio Novi and Russian masters built it. That's why the old Russian traditions and the features of the Italian palazzo age of the Renaissance existed in the appearance of the cathedral. North white-stone portal, fretted Tsar arch, the icon of the Archangel Cathedral with Scenes from the Life are really magnificent. The Archangel Cathedral completes the cluster of the Sobornaya Ploschad of the Moscow Kremlin.

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